Kim wrote her first critically acclaimed (if you call her fourth grade teacher a critic, and she does) short story when she was 9 years old. It was about Christmas in a Cave, and it featured such topical, ground-breaking subjects as homelessness & cave dwelling. She's been writing ever since. The state of publication depends on who you ask.
She has a Ph.D. in Literature, with specialties in American Lit, Women Writers, Feminism, Sci-Fi/Fantasy & Film Studies but please don't hold any of that against her. She teaches academic writing and how to read literature at a university in her hometown and tries to convince college students that it really is cool to like poetry.
She lives in the South, has twin offspring, and a husband who is the model for all her best romantic heroes. She also has three cats-- one black and sassy, one stripey and fat, and also kinda sassy, and one tiny baby black pandemic cat (not really a baby anymore) who is anxious, and the other black cat kinda hates......
She published and edited the independent, award-winning Women Writers' zine for over 20 years, where she did book reviews, poetry, fiction, author interviews, articles and scholarship. Her oldest kid says she should archive it somewhere. Maybe someday.
Her first novel, Mariposa, came out in December, 2014. Many more stories are in the works. Maybe when she retires and can write about herself in third person more. She teaches at a local community college and wants to go do some poetry stuff and karaoke. Wanna come with? Email for a Discord server where you can chat.
Buy her books on Amazon.
If you're very, very nice, you can also contact her at daydreamsdandelions [@] with all the extra weird bits like brackets and spaces taken out.
If you're very, very nice, you can also contact her at daydreamsdandelions [@] with all the extra weird bits like brackets and spaces taken out.